Expert discussions about current topics in waste and resource management.
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TRASHTALK #3 Steel – Circularity at its best?
Watch this TRASHTALK to find out, what experts think about the future of steel production and its use in the industry.
After mineral building materials, steel is one of the most used commodities. It is used widely in all sectors and experienced extensive growth in the past decades nearly doubling steel production globally. Steel is indispensable in our society. The need for mining and heavy industry plants necessary for steel production with high environmental impact is the obvious downside of the steel cycle. However, steel is known for its recyclability. This poses some question for the future steel production: For example: Do we still need to mine iron ore or can we solely depend on steel scrap? How can we lower the environmental impacts of steelmaking? And to which extent can we reduce our steel use or do we need more steel in future?
Our Guests:
Dr.cand. Wiebke HAGEDORN Researcher – RWTH Aachen
PhD Ichiro DAIGO Associate Professor – University of Tokyo
Dipl. Ing. Dr.mont. Gerhard HACKL Managing Director – ASMET
Dipl. Ing. Sabine DWORAK / expert
Dr.cand. Magdalena KLOTZ ETH Zürich
TRASHTALK #2 The Fashion of Waste
Textile production has increased steadily over the last decades. The produced volume of fibers has increased from 22 million t in 1970 to 101 million in 2020 (this corresponds to a fivefold increase). The growth is even more remarkable when considering synthetic polymer fibers, which have grown from 5 to 70 million t in the same period (this corresponds to a fourteen-fold increase). Despite these considerable quantities, textiles were not given any attention in EU regulations for a long time. Recycling processes are completely underdeveloped and business models such as “fast fashion” fuel fiber consumption. With the amendment of the Waste Framework Directive in 2018, textiles have come into focus and massive changes are expected in the coming years. Efficient collection systems have to be established and recycling schemes have to be developed and put into operation. Additionally, economic measures and increased consumer awareness are necessary to push for a more sustainable textile production and end overconsumption. The debaters will discuss the urgent needs regarding the handling of end-of-life textiles.
Our Guests:
Assoc.Prof. Dr. Vera AMICARELLI University of Bari
Dr. Andreas BARTL TU Wien
Mag. Agnieszka KUDERER ETIA student, TU Wien
Matthias NEITSCH CEO Repanet
Mag. Eva Maria STRASSER Austrian Economic Chambers, Fashion industry
Dr.cand. Magdalena KLOTZ ETH Zürich
TRASHTALK #1 Circular Economy of Plastics
The consumption of plastics has increased tremendously during the last decades. Globally almost 400 million tons of plastics are annually produced. At the same pace as production, also plastic waste generation increases and therewith associated challenges rise. Despite the manifold advantages of plastics during their use phase, their optimal management after their end of life is still heavily discussed. In the frame of the first VIRWa Trashtalk renowned experts from academia and industry will elaborate on an appropriate management of plastic waste.
Our Guests:
Em.Univ.Prof. Dr. Paul H. BRUNNER TU Wien
Univ.Prof. Dr. Kerstin KUCHTA TU Hamburg
Assoc.Prof. Dr. Johann FELLNER VIRWa GmbH/TU Wien
Dr.cand. Magdalena KLOTZ ETH Zürich