For various reasons, operators of Waste-to-Energy plants must report the proportion of biogenic or fossil materials in their waste input. With the future inclusion of waste incineration plants in national emissions trading schemes, there will be an obligation to determine and report the quantities of fossil CO2 emissions. Moreover, operators in Austria are already at present obligated to report their share of energy generated from biogenic sources.
The aim of the present project is the online implementation (calculation software) of the Balance Method (according to ISO 18466:2016) at different Waste-to-Energy plants in Vienna, namely Simmeringer Haide, WSO4, Pfaffenau and Flötzersteig.
With the help of this software, the operator will be able to:
- check the operating data continuously for plausibility, and to
- calculate the following results automatically:
- the fossil and biogenic CO2 emissions (tons of CO2/time unit),
- the fossil and biogenic CO2 or C percentages (% Cbiogen and % Cfossil)
- the energy fraction from biomass (renewable energy fraction) (%),
- the specific climate-relevant CO2 emissions / emission factors (g CO2,foss per kg waste input or kg CO2,foss per GJ calorific value of the waste), including the respective uncertainty
Partners & Funding
The project is funded by Wien Energie.
For further information on the project please contact Johann Fellner