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Determination of the variability of the waste feed composition in the WtE-plant of Krakow

WtE Plant of Krakow using OBOMa Software

The objective of this project is to assess the variability (quality of mixing) of the waste feed composition of the Waste-to-Energy plant Krakow and the impairments of insufficient waste mixing on different operating data, such as steam production, waste throughput, auxiliary fuel consumption. Based on these results, the potential to optimize the operation of the plant by installing the OBOMa Software (Onlinetool for Optimizing the Operation of Waste-to-Energy Plants) will be assessed. Thereto the patentend method (Tool to analyze and optimized the operation of Waste-to-Energy plants – A50555/2019) will be applied.

Partners & Funding

The project is funded by Krakowski Holding Komunalny S.A.

For further information on the project please contact Johann Fellner.