Real-time Carbon Monitoring and Smart Incineration (ReCMSI) aiming at low-carbon emissions and high energy efficiency in WtE plants: Technology development and demonstration
Real-time Carbon Monitoring and Smart Incineration (ReCMSI) aiming at low-carbon emissions and high energy efficiency in WtE plants: Technology development and demonstration
A steadily increasing amount of waste is thermally utilized in waste-to-energy (WtE) plants (globally >350 million tn/yr). At present, most WtE plants are suffering from “unavoidable” variations in the waste feed composition and thus, also varying operational performance. Another challenge that WtE plants face currently is the monitoring of CO2 emissions and the reduction of their overall climate impact. In the long term, WtE plants therefore aim to capture and utilize CO2, which ideally means that they can become a carbon sink, since biogenic CO2 is also separated and withdrawn from the natural carbon cycle.
The aims of the proposed project are the following:
• Accurate identification of carbon sources and high-temporal-resolution monitoring of carbon emission from waste-to-energy plants in China (discrimination between fossil- and biogenic-based CO2 emissions).
• Introduction of a of low-carbon and high-efficient waste-to-energy technology by developing and implementing well controlled waste mixing and feedback-based parameter optimization.
• Cost-effective carbon capture coupled with conversion of carbon into value-added products.
The project will focus on Chinese WtE plants.
A detailed map providing information about the more than 500 waste-to-energy plants in China can be accessed here
FFG project number: FFG-ID 44008412
Partners and Funding
Funding organizations: FFG (Austria) and the Ministry of Science and Technology (China)
Partners: TU Wien, SUS Environment, Zhejiang University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University